Midwest World History Association

Officers and Executive Committee

Officers: (current term is Jan. 1, 2024-Dec. 31, 2025)


Nikki Magie

Olivet College



Andrew Magnusson

University of Central Oklahoma



Eileen Orzoff-Baranyk

Vernon Hill High School



Tom Barker

Billy Mills Middle School


Website Coordinator:

Jeanne Grant

Metropolitan State University


Executive Committee (term ends on Dec. 31 of the year indicated):

Nat Godley, Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (2024)

Mark Soderstrom, Aurora University, Aurora, Illinois (2024)

Julie Tanaka, Occidental College, California (2024)

Dave Eaton, Grand Valley State University, Michigan (2025)

Steve Glazer, Graceland University, Iowa (2025)

Andrew Magnusson, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma (2025) [elected Vice President, 2024-2025]

Eileen Orzoff-Baranyk, Vernon Hill High School, Illinois (2025) [elected Secretary, 2024-2025]

Karin Steinbrueck, National Louis University, Evanston, Illinois (2025)

Anthony Baker, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, Ohio (2026)

Sara Eltabib, Adelphi University, New York (2026)

Jim Tallon, Lewis University, Romeoville, Illinois (2026)

John Garnett (as journal's chief editor)



The name of this society shall be the Midwest World History Association.
The association will function as an affiliate of the World History Association, and it will be bound by the requirements for affiliate relationships as directed by the constitution and bylaws of the World History Association. 
The geographical boundaries of the Midwest World History Association will include the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. 
As an affiliate of the World History Association, the Midwest World History will restrict its activities to the states listed in Article III, and it will not infringe on the activities of any other affiliates of the World History Association.
The Midwest World History Association will maintain cooperative and positive relations with the World History Association. 
The Midwest World History Association will have a representative on the council of affiliates with the power to make recommendations to the Executive Council of the World History Association. 

The object of the association shall be the promotion of studies of world history through the encouragement of research, teaching, and publication. The association shall promote activities that will increase historical awareness, understanding among and between peoples, and global consciousness. The association will provide help to the teachers of world history and venues for the discussion of the theories, methods of study, and the teaching of world history. 


Membership in the association shall be open to any person interested in history upon the payment of one year’s dues. Any member whose dues are in arrears shall be dropped from the roll. Members who have been so dropped may be reinstated at any time by the payment in advance of one year’s dues. Only members in good standing shall have the right to vote or to hold office in the association. 


The affairs of the Association shall be under the supervision of an Executive Committee consisting of at least eight teachers and professors of World History elected from the membership of the Association. Every effort should be made to insure that the members of the Executive Committee be broadly representative of the geographic and employment diversity of the Association's membership. The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Association; plan meetings; set, collect, and expend dues and other revenues of the Association; appoint committees, nominate officers for election by the membership; and do whatever else may be appropriate. In preparing its Officers' nominations, the Executive Committee shall ensure that the list is representative of the geographic and employment diversity of the Association's membership. Members of the Executive Committee shall serve three-year, staggered terms of office and are eligible for re-nomination and re-election. 


The officers of the Association shall include a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Website Coordinator. They shall be elected every two years by the Association's Members and are eligible for re-nomination and re-election. The officers shall assume their duties immediately upon election and serve as ex officio members of the Executive Committee. Any vacancies that might occur during the terms of office shall be filled by vote of the Executive Committee.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at the annual meeting of the Association and shall present for consideration by the Executive Committee policies for the conduct of the Association. The president shall serve ex officio on all standing or ad hoc committee which may be created by the Association and oversee all work with other organizations, conferences, institutions, and individuals. The Vice-President shall assist the President and, in the absence of the president shall serve as presiding officer and perform such other presidential duties as may be required. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association and of its Executvie Committee, and shall attend to all correspondence of the Association. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds, making collections and disbursements as directed by the Executive Committee, and preparing an annual report of the Association's finances for the Association's members. The Website Coordinator shall maintain and improve the organization’s website as necessary, and prepare a report on website maintenance and usage for the annual meeting. 


The financial year of the Association shall be from July 1 through June 30. The annual meeting of the Association shall take place during each fiscal year at a time and place established by the Executive Committee. At this meeting, the Association shall elect Executive Committee members. The Association's Officers shall be elected from the Executive Committee's nomination list by a mail ballot prior to the annual meeting so that its results may be announced there. 

All income from dues, conference fees, publication income, and all monies received as gifts (except as may be stipulated by the gift itself) are considered general revenues and may be used to further the objectives of the Association as determined by its Executive Committee. 

Amendments to the Constitution may be adopted by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members voting solicited by a mail ballot following a discussion of the proposed amendment at the annual meeting. Proposed amendments to the Constitution should be included with the notice of call for the annual meeting.

MWWHA supports and is affiliated with The Middle Ground Journal.

The Midwest World History Association (MWWHA) was established in 2009.
"The Midwest World History Association" is a non-profit organization. 

MWWHA's privacy policy can be found here.

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