Midwest World History Association


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  • 01 January 2021 4:31 PM | Jeanne Grant (Administrator)

    Congratulations to the newly elected Executive Committee members!

    They are:

    Kathleen Duffy (Barrington High School, Barrington, Illinois)

    Jennifer Morris (Mount St. Joseph University, Cinncinnati, Ohio)

    ​Jim Tallon (Lewis University, Romeoville, Illinois)

  • 02 January 2020 3:43 PM | Jeanne Grant (Administrator)

    Congratulations to the newly elected officers and executive committee members of MWWHA!

    They are:

    President - Mark Soderstrom 

    Vice President - Nikki Magie

    Treasurer - Tom Barker

    Secretary - Carmen Hernandez

    Executive Committee members:

    Steve Glazier

    Andrew Magnusson

    Eileen Orzoff-Baranyk

    Paul Jentz

    Dave Eaton

    Jeanne Grant (as web coordinator and journal's new chief editor)

    (See our "About" page for all the executives.)

  • 22 October 2019 7:30 AM | Jeanne Grant (Administrator)

    We invite nominations identifying qualified and motivated individuals to serve as Officers and as part of the Executive Committee of the Midwest World History Association. 

    Nominations are sought for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Website Coordinator as well as for at least three positions on the Executive Committee.

    Terms will start on January 1, 2020, with officers serving for a two-year period and Executive Committee members serving for a three-year period.

    Duties of the Officers and Executive Committee members are described on the MWWHA “About” webpage.

    Please send an email to self-nominate or nominate someone else—the latter of which should be cleared with the person you intend to nominate. Each nomination should also include a short nominee statement of 100 words or less and the nominee should be a current member of the MWWHA in good standing.

    Submit your nomination(s) by November 8th, 2019, to Tom Barker: tbarker@usd497.org

    The election will take place from December 1st – December 14th, 2019.


    MWWHA Election Committee

    Tom Barker

    Nat Godley

  • 16 October 2019 9:30 AM | Jeanne Grant (Administrator)

    The next conference will be at Lewis University, Oct. 2-3, 2020.

  • 13 September 2019 7:45 PM | Jeanne Grant (Administrator)

    Online registration will close the morning of Wednesday, Sept. 18. If you miss online registration, you can still register for the conference on site at the registration table, though meals may not be available for same-day purchase. See the conference page for more info.

  • 06 August 2019 8:54 AM | Jeanne Grant (Administrator)

    The draft of the schedule of sessions has been posted. Please click here.

  • 30 January 2019 4:30 PM | Jeanne Grant (Administrator)

    The 2019 conference is returning to North Hennepin Community College. Ten years ago MWWHA was created at NHCC. The conference will be September 20-21, 2019.

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MWWHA supports and is affiliated with The Middle Ground Journal.

The Midwest World History Association (MWWHA) was established in 2009.
"The Midwest World History Association" is a non-profit organization. 

MWWHA's privacy policy can be found here.

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